Advantages Of In-Wheel Motors For Manufacturers

Advantages Of In-Wheel Motors For Manufacturers

In-Wheel Motors can facilitate a new paradigm in vehicle design and user experience. We see there being three key technical advantages around the efficiency of our solution and thus the reduction in energy consumption of the vehicle.

The increased ability for the vehicle to use space more efficiently because we’ve deleted the drivetrain and the driveshafts. So, you can have a far greater footprint for the passengers and occupiers of the vehicle in the same overall footprint.

Finally on the driving experience with the independent control of the wheel motors you can have a far better driving experience.  So those three technical benefits will result, for the vehicle manufacturer, in a similar or even slightly lower cost of production for a vehicle but a far greater value proposition for their customer, which allows them either to take a larger market share or to take more margin from the market.